Parent Resources
Here are some staff-recommended resources to help you grow in your parenting and understanding of culture and support you as you guide your children in their faith.

Books on Emotions

In a fifty-day reading plan journey, Welch unpacks anger while encouraging and teaching readers to respond with patience to life’s difficulties.

Culture & Technology
Books on Culture & Technology

Sex, Dating & Sexuality
Books on Sex, Dating & Sexuality

Fictional Books
Clean, quality fiction

Books on Parenting

Family Devotional Books

This practical guide by Donald S. Whitney will prove invaluable to families―with or without children in the home―as they practice God-glorifying, Christ-exalting worship through Bible reading, prayer, and singing. Includes a discussion guide in the back for small groups.

Teaches children ages six and up about God’s love through word and image

Family Devotions
Bibles We Give
Study Bibles we give out to our kids
Suggested Translations
Story Bibles
Suggested for younger kids
Parenting Support Groups
West Side Church hosts a support group for mothers looking to connect and grow in the faith through Mom to Mom. We also host a Foster & Adoption Support Group for those navigating the foster and adoption process.
Jason Webster
Family Pastor
If you have any questions or would like more resources on a specific situation or topic, please reach out to Pastor Jason for more support in what you and your family are walking through.